Create, 2009,

I love this talk, so much!  I know that what president Uchtdorf says is true.  The desire to create is something that is built into ourselves.  We have an inherent need to create something in this world.  I feel that we all do create something just by being here on this earth.  Everything I say or do effects those around me, my presence in this world changes the outcome of life.  That is creation.  I have that ability and so does everyone else.  I just love this message, because it’s not only art, it’s not just my photography or my web design or my writing or any of my other creative endeavors.  It’s my life.  My life is a creation built for creation.  I hope we all take a second to look at ourselves and appreciate the impact we have had on this world.  I don’t care who you are or what you have done.  If you are a mother raising a family, a student going to school, a grandmother baking cookies for your grandkids.  Because of you the world is the way it is today.  Were it not for you this world would be missing a vital and key part of what makes it the wonderful place to live that it is.  We create.

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