
Nikon D90 in Liveview mode

Image via Wikipedia

Ok guys, so just a quick update.  I just got my W2s back and filed my taxes, which is really exciting because I’m getting like $1200.00 back!  To break this down, what that means is my mission is paid completely by February 30th, and I can have my nikon D90 by March 15th!  Ya know, the one that I said I’d never get?  It might actually be sooner now that at the time of writing, I have undertaken another project for my Aunt’s small business.  I cannot wait to have a camera to hold in my hands again!  And don’t you worry, I will post a whole slue of pictures on this blog when I get my new camera.  In the mean time however, let’s look at some pictures of people who are better than I.

Ten Reasons To Hate Flickr

As a disclaimer, none of these images are mine, this section is my homage to photographers of flickr better than me.  Today’s images are all Nikon D90 shots.  Soon, soon.  For more excellent shots see

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The quest continues.  I’ve spoken with the Salt Lake City Arts Council, as well as the Utah Arts Council.  Did you know that there is an officail artist registry??  Yeah me neither.  I have a twitter.  Yeap, come follow me, my username is richbai90.  Also, as a side note, per her request, my girlfriend has now has a pseudonym on this blog, that name, is Jane. Apparently, Ms. Anonymous didn’t suit her, so from now on, that lovely young lady with the long blonde hair, her name is Jane. This is very exciting to me, I am finally taking my artwork seriously.  I think that’s sort of an important thing, so allow me to digress once again.  You may notice I do that sometimes.


I guess throughout my life there has been a lot of things that I haven’t taken seriously.  I always thought that I wasn’t an artist, which would make sense if you knew my brother, so what I did, I did for fun, never thinking anything serious from it.  It’s important of course to have fun, don’t get me wrong, but I think it was just a month or so ago I sat wishing that I could be as good as everyone on Flickr, all those people making thousands of dollars with their photography.  It wasn’t until a day or so ago that my attitude changed, I wish, to why not?  It’s sort of a principle of life I think.  If we all thought that we could just look at ourselves as being great at the things we love, I think we’d find that we are a lot better than we may give ourselves credit for.


Ok I’m glad I got that out of my system.  I think it’s time now to add a couple pictures, what do you think?


I guess I should start by first talking about how this all came about…Well I guess it started after a trip down to Provo to visit my girlfriend, whose name is omitted since this is a public blog.  But at any rate…Having just gotten over a bout of Swine Flu, (not pleasant by the way) I had some free time before I had to start work again, so we decided to go on a date.  It was a photo taking adventure, my favorite kind of adventure.  We had a blast!!  To all the guys out there wondering what to do with a girl when you’re alone together, a walk, a park, a camera, and a plethora of fallen leaves is not a bad place to start.  But I digress.  The real magic happened when I got home and noticed that my work was show worthy at least, possibly sell worthy.  So I decided it’s time to start promoting myself as an artist.  So here I am world RICHIE BAIRD SLC PHOTOGRAPHER!  I think that’s a good place to start.  From this time on out I’ll be posting all the work I create on this blog.  I would appreciate any and all feedback.  I’m also getting myself a twitter.  Yeap I’m getting all adult with this social networking stuff haha I’ll post it here and on my Facebook. (